
Cancer, a genetic disease, involves the rapid and uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, ranking among the top causes of global mortality. It begins with DNA mutations in normal cells, progressing through stages as genetic alterations accumulate, leading to the formation of tumors that can spread. Some cancers arise sporadically, while others have familial links, with 5-10% of cases having an inherited component. Detecting inherited variants helps estimate cancer risk, enabling appropriate preventive measures, improved clinical management, and timely monitoring for better outcomes.

Whom to be
Physical findings linked to a specific cancer

Physical findings linked to a specific cancer

Relatives diagnosed with cancer at the age less than 50 years

Relatives diagnosed with cancer at the age less than 50 years

Strong family history of same or multiple types of cancer

Strong family history of same or multiple types of cancer

Having a family member with a genetic variant linked to cancer

Having a family member with a genetic variant linked to cancer

Know the genetic cause of cancer you’ve developed

Know the genetic cause of cancer you’ve developed

Conditions Covered - Detailed Information
Order info
PanelsNo.of genes covered
Comprehensive Oncology (Cancer) Panel32
PanelsNo.of genes
Comprehensive Common Reproductive Syndromes & Disorders37Know more
Comprehensive Skin Disease Panel273Know more
Comprehensive Hematology Panel340Know more